Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Writing Challenge

Hello my dear beloved reader. How are you today? I hope you are well. If you have come in search of some snippet of well written erotica I fear you may find me wanting today. Instead I have a favour to ask of you. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin.

I have been set a writing challenge by a very close 'friend'. Since I started putting my fiction work out there only 3 months ago, I have been delighted with the love and support that you have shown me. I have watched the analytics of my site flash and grow with every post that I put out there (hell, I would even go so far as to say that I now have a fan base). So has my 'friend', and this is where their little writing challenge started to take root. You see, they challenged me that I could get my writing read in any country they chose. Fairly confident about that I laughed and said "Challenge accepted".

However, like all good challenges there is a catch, a forfeit. For ever day that the chosen country does not appear on my analytics I get a stroke of the cane. Please let me be clear dear reader, I am really not into pain, it does not float my boat and does not turn me on, quite the reverse. I thought about it and upon reflection felt that I could take one cropping per day without too much bother. My 'friend' then told me that the strokes would be saved up until my blog had been read in the chosen country. Thus if it takes 20 days for my blog to be read there on the day that I achieve it I will get 20 lashes with the cane.  This makes the challenge a bit more 'interesting' for all parties.

Now, whilst I know that some of you delicious people are sadists and might relish the thought of this erotica writer getting her come uppance. I also know that sadism is no fun without a willing masochist and I am no masochist; I have other tendencies but that is not one of them.

The first country is Italy. My thoughts run to images of handbags, leather goods, Venice, romance and some bloody good wines. So, for the sake of my love for you and the love of my currently welt free bottom, please get this post read by someone...anyone, in Italy.

Click on the link to see who else is participating in Wicked Wednesday


  1. Oh dear, this is quite a challenge. I will see what I can do to call all Italians out there to click on your blog... I am quite curious who set you this challenge though ;)

    Rebel xox

  2. There you go! I read the post and am in Milan!

    1. Thank you SO much, you just saved my arse!

      Rachel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    2. Thank @sexwithrose on Twitter! She asked me...

  3. You're a brave soul for a non masochist but it looks like you lucked out.

  4. awesome. you are a brave and intrepid woman.

  5. You are much braver than I am.. I like a little rough stuff but nothing on that level.. at least not yet lol.

  6. This could get interesting when your friend chooses North Korea. ;)

  7. Gee, and here I'd be praying that country never picked me up!! though in looking at my analytics the challenger would be hard pressed to pick a country that hasn't had a peek!

    ~Kazi xxx

  8. I can see you have been saved already :) Looking forward to the next country.

    Maggi xxx

  9. What an interesting challenge!

  10. *laughs so much she nearly chokes on her ham sarnie.... How much do you love me?

    Oh I am not the only one chuckling am I... I know your 'friend' is too. In fact I can picture it all too clearly, that mischievous smile.

    So Italy eh? Hmmm not sure I have any contacts there but I do have an idea of how you can do this. Should I post my secret here... I think not, maybe this little idea should be for your ears only. You know where to find me.... *wanders off chuckling


  11. I am glad your arse got saved!


  12. lol what a devious challenge. I look forward to hearing how you get on with this :D

  13. Sadist where? *giggles* I do love challenges but the creator of this one I tip my hat to. A dark demented person they must be, I would love to meet them and take notes ;)
    Good luck on the challenge though, I would love to hear how far it gets.

  14. What a great idea! I'd have been mean and picked a harder country, though. Tajikistan, anyone? :P

  15. An interesting challenge! I'm so close yet so far.

    xo mina
